The New Corporation – How “Good” Corporations Are Bad for Democracy
A deeply informed and unflinching look at the way corporations have slyly rebranded themselves as socially conscious entities ready to tackle society’s problems, while CEO compensation soars, income inequality is at all-time highs, and democracy sits in a precarious situation.
Over the last decade and a half, business leaders have been calling for a new kind of capitalism. With income inequality soaring, wages stagnating, and a climate crisis escalating, they realized that they had to make social and environmental values the very core of their messaging. The problem is corporations are still, first and foremost, concerned with their bottom line.
In lucid and engaging prose, Joel Bakan documents how increasing corporate freedom encroaches on individual liberty and democracy. Through deep research and interviews with both top executives and their sharpest critics, he exposes the inhumanity and destructive force of the current order–profit-driven privatization subverting the public good, governments neglecting duties to protect the environment, the increasing alienation we experience as every aspect of life is economized, and how the Covid-19 pandemic lays bare the unjust fault lines of our corporate-led society.
Beyond diagnosing major problems, in The New Corporation Bakan narrates a hopeful path forward. He reveals how citizens around the world are fighting back and making gains in ways that bolster democracy and benefit ordinary citizens rather than the corporate elite.
Joel Bakan, Vintage Books, 2020, 231 pp.
Communicating the Future – Solutions for Environment, Economy, and Democracy
We are facing an unprecedented environmental crisis. How can we communicate and act more effectively to make the political and economic changes required to survive and even thrive within the life-support capacities of our planet?
This is the question at the heart of W. Lance Bennett’s much-anticipated book. Bennett challenges readers to consider how best to approach the environmental crisis by changing how we think about the relationships between environment, economy, and democracy. He introduces a framework that citizens, practitioners, and scholars can use to evaluate common but unproductive communication that blocks thinking about change; develop more effective ways to define and approach problems; and design communication processes to engage diverse publics and organizations in developing understandings, goals, and political strategies. Until advocates develop economic programs with built-in environmental solutions, they will continue to lose policy fights. Putting “intersectional” communication into action requires acknowledging that communication is not only an exchange of messages, but an organizational process.
Communicating the Future is important reading for students and scholars of media and communication, as well as general readers concerned about the environmental crisis.
Lance Bennett, polity, 2021, 201 pp.
Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Frieden – Perspektiven globaler Organisation
Die Aufsatzsammlung enthält vier bereits andernorts publizierte Beiträge, ein 1999 aufgenommenes Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk sowie einen 2002 an der Universität Bremen gehaltenen Vortrag. Zentrales Anliegen von Ingeborg Maus – in diesem, aber auch in ihren anderen Büchern – ist die prinzipielle Trennung zwischen Recht und Moral, die es ihrer Ansicht nach inner‑ wie außerstaatlich aufrechtzuerhalten gilt. Im Fokus dieser Publikation steht die Moralisierung der internationalen Politik. Maus beklagt im Zusammenhang mit der Legitimation humanitärer Interventionen die Konzentration auf die moralische Seite der Menschenrechte, fernab jeglicher rechtlichen Positivierung. Hierbei werde nicht nur die UN‑Charta missachtet, die doch die Förderung der Menschenrechte durch Frieden und nicht durch Krieg beabsichtige, sondern die Menschenrechte selbst würden ad absurdum geführt, sollen sie durch Gewalt „herbeigebombt“ werden. In der Entkopplung der Menschenrechte von ihrer rechtlichen Präzisierung sieht Maus das entscheidende Problem. Dies potenziere sich, wenn man eine Weltexekutive zur Durchsetzung von Menschenrechten fordere, die demokratische Kontrollen respektive Partizipationsmöglichkeiten prinzipiell ausschließe. In Anlehnung an Immanuel Kant sieht sie Menschenrechte nur in Kombination mit dem Prinzip der Volkssouveränität und dem Projekt des Friedens denkbar: Sie existieren vor jeder Zuteilung und müssen deshalb durch die Träger selbst auf demokratische Art und Weise konkretisiert werden. Menschenrechte und Volkssouveränität sind nach Maus mit der Autonomie derer gekoppelt, die sie wahrnehmen sollen, handelt es sich doch um subjektive Rechte. Eine autoritäre Erzwingung würde folglich den Zweck über die Mittel stellen. Zudem würde aus der Abwehr staatlicher Gewalt die Legitimation derselben erwachsen. Mit dieser Absage an einen menschenrechtlichen Paternalismus verschließt sich Maus gleichwohl nicht gegen das Vorgehen gegen extreme Menschenrechtsverletzungen, wie es der Krieg gegen den Nationalsozialismus gewesen ist.
Patrick Stellbrink, Rezension zu: Ingeborg Maus: Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Frieden. Frankfurt a. M.: 2015, in: Portal für Politikwissenschaft,, veröffentlicht am 30.04.2015.
Ingeborg Maus, Suhrkamp, 2015, 238 S.
Rekindling Democracy
Finally, a book that offers a practical yet well-researched guide for practitioners seeking to hone the way they show up in citizen space.
At a time when public trust in institutions is at its lowest, expectations of those institutions to make people well, knowledgeable, and secure are rapidly increasing. These expectations are unrealistic, causing disenchantment and disengagement among citizens and increasing levels of burnout among many professionals. Rekindling Democracy is not just a practical guide; it goes further in setting out a manifesto for a more equitable social contract to address these issues.
Rekindling Democracy argues convincingly that industrialized countries are suffering through a democratic inversion, where the doctor is assumed to be the primary producer of health, the teacher of education, the police officer of safety, and the politician of democracy. Through just the right blend of storytelling, research, and original ideas, Russell argues instead that in a functioning democracy the role of the professionals ought to be defined as that which happens after the important work of citizens is done. The primary role of the twenty-first-century practitioner, therefore, is not a deliverer of top-down services, but a precipitator of more active citizenship and community building.
Cormac Russel, Cascade Books, 2020, 268 pp.