Articles of: Ashish Kothari
About 50% of the world’s population will be voting in national elections in 2024, across several dozen countries. Some (Bangladesh and Taiwan) have already taken place, some (India) are underway while finalizing this article. This is the biggest polling year ever in history. But more than the mind-boggling statistics, what is remarkable is that several …
L’appel à décoloniser et l’action de décoloniser ne sont pas uniques mais multiples. Ils s’expriment dans différents endroits du monde sous la forme de philosophies sœurs qui défendent la valeur de la vie au-delà de la vie humaine, l’écocentrisme, l’idée de pluriversité, la solidarité, la justice, les droits humains, la lutte pour l’autonomie et l’autodétermination. …
Not so long ago, Dalit women farmers in Telangana used to face hunger and deprivation. Today, they have contributed foodgrains for pandemic relief. Farmers on the Tamil Nadu-Karnataka border have been sending organic produce to Bengaluru even during the lockdown. And Adivasi villages in central India are using community funds to take care of migrant …